Campionato Sociale - Championship of Italian Leonberger Club

Rua Soleil leonberger team has done very well at Italian Leonberger Club specialty show (XXXVI Campionato Sociale e Raduno Internazionale), 05.05.24, Bagno di Romagna. There is only one chance each year to get the title of the Club Champio and Angie did it. She won champion class, became BOS and the title of Campionessa Sociale. We decided that with this achievement she can officially end her show career and enjoy relaxed lifestyle untill returning to the ring in veteran class. Angie got so many titles already including World Winner and Junior World Winner, but never really loved the shows.
Her daughter Elsie Elora was placed the second in open class out of 12 participants and later got Res CAC in comparison with the intermediate class winner.
Diva (Godiva Mercia) was also entered in open class and masterfully handled by Sergey was placed the 4 th.
We have not been to the leonberger club shows for over 3 years for various reasons and it felt great to be back, to see old friends and meet new breed enthusiasts. We got all we are seeking for entering our dogs to the shows.
Many thanks to Club Italiano Leonberger for excellent organization: perfect show ground with shade for the dogs and people, memorable prizes with the Club logos for all class placements and competitions, tasty gifts for the four-legged participants, clear announcements, warm friendly atmosphere.
Thanks to the leonberger specialty judge Thomas Walker (Austria) for the excellent job in the ring, time dedicated to each participant, clear priorities in type illustrated by the placements in all classes and positive attitude. It was a day to remember.