One more Italian Absolute Champion in our borzoi family - Pava!!!

This time we decided to travel to Sicily with Rua Soleil borzois, all of them bred by us. Winter is a perfect time to explore south of Italy.
Rua Soleil Zhar-ptitsa ( Pava) got CAC, CACIB, BOB and became BIG-3 at the specialty CACIB show in Catania!
It has been the last САС, required for her Italian Beauty Champion title. Pava hold Italian Coursing Champion title and now is proclaimed Italian Absolute Champion (Campione Assoluto).
Young Kudeyar and Kharisma also performed really well: Rua Soleil Kudeyar - CAC, CACIB, BOS.
We thank the judges - L.A , Castells ( E) - the breed, judge BIG - A. Vergara ( IT)
You might get an impression that it is quite easy to become Italian Absolute Champion - we have already the second within a year. In fact I looked at the official statistics for borzoi breed in Italy. Only 6 dogs have been awarded this title over the last 10 years and we are proud to have 2 of them at home.
Just to remind it is worth mentioning that to become Italian Coursing Champion a dog needs to get 4 CACL (win the competitions)in the country at 3 different coursing firlds with 3 different judges.
To become Italian Beauty Champion a dog needs to get 6 САС, two of which should be from the specialty or Club shows, minimum 2 from CACIB shows, minimum another 1 - from a national show. САС is awarded to the Best male and the Best female at the comparison of the winners of intermediate and open classes. Only at the Club shows (5 times a year) a dog enterd in the working class has an extra chance to get CAC directly winning the class. Simple:)