Our borzoi team results at the Club specialty show

Our results at Raduno del Club del Levriero (Club specialty show).
September 21, judge STENLUND LEILA (FI):
Lunnaja Raduga Russkiy Romance (
Raskat) - champion CW, Best male, BOB and later in the evening BIS-3!

Rua Soleil Kudeyar - JCAC, Best Junior and BIS Junior at the Club specialty show.
Rua Soleil Zhar-ptitsa (Pava) - very good in the working class.
The next day Raskat was the champion class winner, Pava got exc.1 and CAC in the working class, Kudeyar - JCAC, his sister Kharisma - JCAC and Best Junior.
Well done!