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Raskat - Italian Coursing Champion and Campione Italiano Assoluto!

Raskat - Italian Coursing Champion and Campione Italiano Assoluto!

Raskat got the 4th certificate CACL winning national coursing competitions in Viterbo, which was required for his Italian Coursing Champion title, and on November 6 the title was officially confirmed.

In total Raskat took part in 15 coursing competitions on the national and international level in Russia, France, Italy, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland. He has never been disqualified or retired, always finished both runs with excellent results. 

As long as Raskat has already Italian Beauty Champion title, and now Coursing Champion, he is proclaimed also Italian Absolute Champion! Так как Раскат уже имеет титул Чемпиона Италии по красоте, он также официально стал Абсолютным Чемпионом Италии!

Lunnaja Raduga Russkiy Romance is selected breeding stud in ENCI classification.